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Conferences and Workshops
Journals Technical Reports Posters Demos PhD Thesis Master Thesis Diploma of Advanced Studies Conferences & Workshops2023[C25] Massimo Coluzzi, Amos Brocco, Tiziano Leidi "Consistently Faster: A survey and fair comparison of consistent hashing algorithms". 31st Symposium on Advanced Database System. July 2023. [Download] [BibTex][C24] Massimo Coluzzi, Amos Brocco, Patrizio Contu, Tiziano Leidi "A survey and comparison of consistent hashing algorithms". 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software. April 2023. (Extended Abstract). [Download] [BibTex] 2022[C23] Amos Brocco "Melda: A General Purpose Delta State JSON CRDT". 9th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC'22). April 2022. [Download] [BibTex]2021[C22] Amos Brocco "Delta-State JSON CRDT: Putting Collaboration on Solid Ground". (Brief announcement). 23rd International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2021). November 2021. [Download] [BibTex][C21] Amos Brocco "The Document Chain: a δ-CRDT framework for arbitrary JSON data". 29th Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD). September 2021. [Download] [BibTex] 2020[C20] Amos Brocco, Patrick Ceppi, Lorenzo Sinigaglia "libJoTS: JSON That Syncs!". 28th Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD). June 2020.[Download] [BibTex]2013[C19] Amos Brocco. "Fully Distributed Power Routing for an Ad hoc Nanogrid". The IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES) , Vienna, Austria. November 2013. [Download] [BibTex][C18] Amos Brocco. "Ad-hoc Self-Organized Microgrid for Rural Electrification and Post-Disaster Response". Fifth Annual Green Technologies Conference, IEEE Greentech 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. April 2013. [Download] [BibTex] 2012[C17] Ingmar Baumgart, Bernhard Heep, Christian Huebsch, Amos Brocco, "OverArch: A common architecture for structured and unstructured overlay networks", in: Global Internet Symposium 2012, IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, USA, March, 2012. [Download] [BibTex][C16] Amos Brocco, Ingmar Baumgart, "A Framework for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Ant-Inspired Peer-to-Peer Protocols", in: MSOP2P 2012 : 6th International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Peer-to-peer Environments, 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing PDP 2012, Garching, Germany, February, 2012. [Download] [BibTex] 2011[C15] Amos Brocco, "ozmos: Bio-Inspired Load Balancing in a Chord-based P2P Grid", in: Workshop on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems, ACM, ICAC 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, June, 2011. [Download] [BibTex]2010[C14] Fulvio Frapolli, Amos Brocco, Apostolos Malatras, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "FLEXIBLERULES: A Player Oriented Board Game Development Framework", in: The Third International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, ACHI, IEEE, 2010. [Download] [BibTex][C13] Amos Brocco, Apostolos Malatras, Ye Huang, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "ARiA: A Protocol for Dynamic Fully Distributed Grid Meta-Scheduling", in: Proceedings of The 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE, ICDCS 2010, Genoa, Italy, June, 2010. [Download] [BibTex] [C12] Ye Huang, Amos Brocco, Nik Bessis, Pierre Kuonen, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "Community-Aware Scheduling Protocol for Grids", in: 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, IEEE, IEEE, April, 2010. [Download] [BibTex] 2009[C11] Amos Brocco, Fulvio Frapolli, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "Bounded Diameter Overlay Construction: A Self Organized Approach", in: IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, IEEE, SIS 2009, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, April, 2009. [Download] [BibTex][C10] Amos Brocco, Apostolos Malatras, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "Proactive Information Caching for Efficient Resource Discovery in a Self-Structured Grid", in: Workshop on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems, ACM, ICAC 2009, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2009. [Download] [BibTex] [C9] Amos Brocco, Béat Hirsbrunner, "Service Provisioning Framework for a Self-Organized Grid", IEEE, ICCCN 09 Workshop on Grid and P2P Systems and Applications (GridPeer 2009), San Francisco, CA USA, August, 2009. [Download] [BibTex] [C8] Ye Huang, Nik Bessis, Amos Brocco, Pierre Kuonen, Michèle Courant, and Béat Hirsbrunner, "Using Metadata Snapshots for Extending Ant-based Resource Discovery Service in Inter-cooperative Grid Communities", in: The First International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2009), IEEE, Cannes/La Bocca, French Riviera, France, August, 2009. [Download] [BibTex] [C7] Ye Huang, Amos Brocco, Amos, Michèle Courant, Béat Hirsbrunner, and Pierre Kuonen. MaGate Simulator: a simulation environment for a decentralized grid scheduler, in: International Conference on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, Springer, APPT'09, Rapperswil, Switzerland, August, 2009. [Download] [BibTex] [C6] Ye Huang, Nik Bessis, Amos Brocco, Stelios Sotiriadis, Michèle Courant, Pierre Kuonen and Béat Hirsbrunner. Towards an integrated vision across inter-cooperative grid virtual organization, in: International Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing, Springer, GDC 2009, Jeju Island, Korea, December, 2009. [Download] [BibTex] 2008[C5] Amos Brocco, Fulvio Frapolli, Béat Hirsbrunner. "BlatAnt: Bounding Networks' Diameter with a Collaborative Distributed Algorithm". Sixth International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, Springer, ANTS, Bruxelles, September, 2008. [Download] [BibTex][C4] Ye Huang, Amos Brocco, Pierre Kuonen, Michèle Courant, Béat Hirsbrunner. "SmartGRID: A fully decentralized Grid Scheduling Framework supported by Swarm Intelligence". 7th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2008), Shenzhen, China, 2008. [Download] [BibTex] 2007[C3] Amos Brocco, Béat Hirsbrunner, Michèle Courant. "A Modular Middleware for High-level Dynamic Network Management". The 1st Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction (MAI'2007), Eurosys 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 20 March 2007. [Download] [BibTex][C2] Amos Brocco, Béat Hirsbrunner, Michèle Courant. "Solenopsis: A Framework for the Development of Ant Algorithms". IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, SIS2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 - 5 April 2007. [Download] [BibTex] 2006[C1] Vincenzo Pallotta, Amos Brocco, Dominique Guinard, Pascal Bruegger, Pedro de Almeida, "RoamBlog: Outdoor and Indoor Geo-blogging Enhanced with Contextual Service Provisioning for Mobile Internet Users." In: Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop. Polimetrica Publisher, Italy, pp. 103-121, 2006. [Download] [BibTex]Journals2024[J6] Massimo Coluzzi, Amos Brocco, Alessandro Antonucci, Tiziano Leidi "MementoHash: A Stateful, Minimal Memory, Best Performing Consistent Hash Algorithm". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (to appear) [Preprint (arxiv)]2012[J5] Amos Brocco, The Grid, the Load and the Gradient: A bio-inspired approach to load balancing, Natural Computing Journal, Springer, ISSN: 1567-7818 (print) 1572-9796 (electronic) [Download] [BibTex]2011[J4] Amos Brocco and Bèat Hirsbrunner, "Service Provisioning For a Next-Generation Adaptive Grid", in: International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1744-5760. [Download] [BibTex]2010[J3] Fulvio Frapolli, Amos Brocco, Apostolos Malatras, and Béat Hirsbrunner, Decoupling Aspects in Board Games Modeling, in: International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS), volume II, number 2, 2010. [Download] [BibTex][J2] Amos Brocco, Apostolos Malatras, and Bèat Hirsbrunner, "Enabling Efficient Information Discovery in a Self-Structured Grid", in: Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, ISSN 0167-739X, 2010. [Download] [BibTex] [J1] Ye Huang, Amos Brocco, Pierre Kuonen, and Bèat Hirsbrunner, "MaGate: an interoperable, decentralized and modular high-level grid scheduler", in: International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies. [Download] [BibTex] Book Chapters2016[BC1] Carlo Spinedi, Amos Brocco. "L'evoluzione dei sistemi operativi". In: Informatica 30+30: Trent'anni di formazione e ricerca con uno sguardo al futuro, Collana SUPSI-DACD, Edizioni Casagrande, ISBN 9788877137494, 2016 [Download]Technical Reports2025[TR12] Amos Brocco "Introducing Support for Move Operations in Melda CRDT", arXiv:2503.04811, March 2025 [Arxiv]2024[TR11] Massimo Coluzzi, Amos Brocco, Alessandro Antonucci "BinomialHash: A Constant Time, Minimal Memory Consistent Hash Algorithm", arXiv:2406.19836, June 2024 [Arxiv]2021[TR10] Amos Brocco, "The Document Chain: Delta State CRDT Framework for Collaborative Applications", Technical Report ISIN, October 2021 [Download] [BibTex]2018[TR9] Amos Brocco, Vanni Galli "Decentralized Smart City Surveillance Data Processing Middleware for On-Premises Video Data Analysis". Technical Report, Istituto Sistemi Informativi e Networking, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative SUPSI, January, 2018. [Download] [BibTex][TR8] Amos Brocco, Vanni Galli "Poma A Lightweight Framework for Distributed Processing". Technical Report, Istituto Sistemi Informativi e Networking, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative SUPSI, January, 2018. [Download] [BibTex] 2017[TR7] Amos Brocco "Studiare informatica in Ticino Confronto della formazione di livello terziario". Technical Report, Istituto Sistemi Informativi e Networking, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative SUPSI, August, 2017. [Download] [BibTex]2014[TR6] Amos Brocco. "Ad Hoc Nanogrid Testbed with Support for On Demand Provisioning". Technical Report, Istituto Sistemi Informativi e Networking, Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative SUPSI, September, 2014. [Download] [BibTex]2011[TR5] Amos Brocco. "On the robustness of the BlatAnt-S protocol under churn". Technical Report TM-2011-5, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, August, 2011, ISSN 1613-849X [Download] [BibTex][TR4] Amos Brocco. "OverSwarm: a simulation tool for biologically inspired peer-to-peer networks". Technical Report TM-2011-4, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, August, 2011, ISSN 1613-849X [Download] [BibTex] 2008[TR2] Amos Brocco, Fulvio Frapolli, Béat Hirsbrunner. "Shrinking the Network: The BlatAnt Algorithm". Technical Report 08-04, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, April, 2008. [Download] [BibTex]2006[TR1] Béat Hirsbrunner, Michèle Courant, Pierre Kuonen, and Amos Brocco. "SmartGRID: Swarm Agent-Based Dynamic Scheduling for Robust, Reliable, and Reactive Grid Computing". Working Paper 06-13, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, October 2006 [BibTex]Posters2011[P1] Amos Brocco. "OverSwarm: A Framework for the Development and Evaluation of Distributed Swarm Intelligence Algorithms on the OverSim Simulation Platform". Poster + Extended Abstract. IWSOS 2011 - Fifth International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, 23.-24. February 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany [Paper] [Poster]Demos2009[DM1] Fulvio Frapolli and Amos Brocco, "FlexibleRules: A Tool for Developing Board Games", in: 4th International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games, FDG, April, 2009.PhD Thesis
Amos Brocco. "Exploiting self-organization for the autonomic management of distributed systems".
PhD Thesis, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, October, 2010. [Download] [BibTex]
Master Thesis
Amos Brocco. "RoXanne Framework - x.core and x.click Components".
Master Thesis, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg, October, 2005. [Download] [BibTex]
Diploma of Advanced Studies
Amos Brocco, Fulvio Frapolli. "Open Source in Higher Education: Case Study Computer Science at the University of Fribourg". Diploma of Advanced Studies, Centre de Didactique Universitaire, University of Fribourg, February, 2011. [Download]